“My name is Kara.”
These are the first words spoken by one of our android protagonist in a video game called Detroit Become Human. Before I go much further let me give you a bit of background information. Quantic Dream, the developers of the game, were looking for a place to base their story and when they got to Detroit they thought it was the perfect place. Parts of the city are barreling ahead with progress while others are fighting to scrape by with what they have. This game is one of my favorite experiences to have been able to share with my Dad. Its a choice based game that is pretty much like those chose your own adventure books from way back when.
How this experience went was, I would control the characters and select the choice, but Dad would be the one telling me which choices he want me to make. Kara’s portion of the story is about protecting a little girl named Alice and getting her out of the city and down to Canada where they will be safe harm. Kara is an android that was made specifically to all the things that might be an inconvenience humans such as, laundry, cleaning up, making food, doing house repairs, and taking out the trash. She was purchased by Alice’s father Todd to do such things. Androids are built with the soul purpose to obey humans to make their lives easier and their code prevents them from making their own choices. However their is a virus going around that allows androids to think and have feelings like humans do. To sum all that up it pretty much makes androids believe they have a soul. So the question is should we treat android’s as another for of life and equally or should we consider them lesser than us? The choice is yours.
One night when Alice and Todd are eating dinner Todd is talking about how androids are going to take his job and then he starts throwing things and yelling which scares Alice and she runs upstairs. Todd stomps up the stairs after Alice and Kara is faced with her first real choice of, “Do I go help Alice or stay down stairs and do as I’m told?” Crazy dilemma right? Who wouldn’t go help Alice? Well the developers thought of everything. If you choose not to help then Todd comes back downstairs and takes his anger out on Kara by breaking her and your story ends. If you have a heart though and choose to go help Alice then you are able to break programing and go to save Alice from her dad, which is the start of a amazing story full of tough decisions, what is right and what is wrong, who lives and who dies, did I make the right choice, and most importantly can I save my charters and the ones they love?
The whole journey through this game was a roller coaster of emotions with sadness, stress, and joy being at the forefront. We would often pause the game and debate which choice were going to be the best ones for the short term and which ones would help in the long term. The good news is that we mostly agreed with each others choices and I can gladly say we were able to save our characters from untimely demises. this wasn’t without our ending route if the game being so stressful with every single choice mattering. I would later replay the game with my Mom, of course after I knew which choices would get me a good ending, and she shared the same sentiments as my dad about it. I figured if something was this much fun to me why would I not share it with the rest of my family. I know our choices in life might not be as easy as life and death, but I feel like for the ones we loves our choices are penultimately made with a true heart. To end off I wanted to share my absolute favorite quote from the game,
“Forgetting who you are to be what someone needs you to be. Maybe that’s what it means to be alive.”
– Elijah Cook